Kirill Sky



The artist, dear Salvador Dali, thanks to your inspirational artistic life I decided to try smearing oil on canvas. My first experience was not very successful, but the Great Artist himself did not succeed in an instance. Dali’s connection with the Austrian psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud is well-documented. Well versed in Freud’s theories of accessing the subconscious for surreal and artistic inspiration, Dali considered dreams and imaginations central to human thought. I too think that the subconscious plays a vital role in true craftsmanship. So on my painting Freud’s head from heaven has given Dali a theory of sexuality (naked woman on a stone hand). But Dali converted sexual energy onto his strange elephant creatures. The great artist’s time, depicted as an hourglass, is over. But sand coming out of the broken hourglass makes entire universe around the artist. The matches sticking from sand symbolize ideas of Salvador Dali. Some of the ideas are still shining in flames, some are burned down and some are yet to be discovered.

Comments ( 1 )

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    Vova Razran

    I like the contrast , bright colors .This one might have been created by Salvador Dali if he was alive.

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