Kirill Sky


About My Art

I am Kirill Sky the artist, born in 1969 in the small town called Lugansk in the Soviet Union (now Ukraine). The country back then was extremely poor, my parents were busy engineers and I never had a chance to attend an art school. But I always had passion for arts and after I immigrated to USA in 1997 I began to paint. My first works were pencil drawings – illustrations to my book which is yet to be published In about year 2000 I tried my first oil painting – The Artist. Salvador Dali was and will always be my hero. His fearless fantasy, well developed technique and his character in my understanding acted as a guideline to my artistic endeavors. I work full time as computer programmer and therefore never have enough time for my hobby but I am constantly trying to better my technics. My wife my neighbors and my friends acted frequently as models of my paintings. Also I like painting nature. My wife and I travel a lot; out favorite places are Tuscany and Amalfi coast in Italy, Barcelona and Toledo in Spain. All of them have their images woven into my heart and from there into my art. Until recently I was using only the oil paint but in 2017 I decided to try a new achrylic technique called dirty pour. Acrylic paint not only less expensive than the oil but it also more forgiving – it dries faster and is much easier to clean or remove. Also when combined with different mediums and covered with raisin the acrylic paint “opens” with vivid colors and textures. Set of my recent acrylic works was dedicated to everlasting beauty of the ocean. Please enjoy the show and thank you for watching.